Eleanor Frajka-Williams

Eleanor Frajka-Williams

Professor of Ocean Dynamics in a Changing Climate

Universität Hamburg

I am a physical oceanographer who uses ocean observations to investigate ocean dynamics and circulation in a changing climate, and the leader of the Experimental Oceanography working group at the Institute of Oceanography, Universität Hamburg. I have a particular interest in problems spanning scales (from micro- to large-scale) or spheres (biogeosphere, cryosphere, atmosphere), and in methods that leverage traditional observations with new platforms and satellite data.

  • Ocean dynamics in a changing climate
  • Observational methods and technology
  • PhD in Physical Oceanography, 2009

    University of Washington

  • MSc in Applied Mathematics, 2009

    University of Washington

  • MSc in Oceanography, 2005

    University of Washington

  • AB in Applied Mathematics, 2002

    Harvard University


  1. Should AMOC observations continue: how and why?. Phil Trans A, 2023.
  2. Observed mechanisms activating the recent subpolar North Atlantic Warming since 2016. Phil Trans A, 2023.
  3. Cessation of Labrador Sea Convection Triggered by Distinct Fresh and Warm (Sub)Mesoscale Flows. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 2023.
  4. Climate change impacts on ocean circulation relevant to the UK and Ireland. Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership, 2023.
  5. The evolution of the North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation since 1980. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2022.
  6. Dissipation of mesoscale eddies at a western boundary via a direct energy cascade. Scientific Reports, 2022.
  7. Climate-Relevant Ocean Transport Measurements in the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. Oceanogr., 2022.
  8. Kinetic Energy Transfers between Mesoscale and Submesoscale Motions in the Open Ocean’s Upper Layers. J. Phys. Ocean., 2022.
  9. Mixing and transformation in a deep western boundary current: A case study. J. Phys. Ocean., 2021.
  10. Revisiting AMOC transport estimates from observations and models. Geophys. Res. Lett., 2021.
  11. Mesoscale eddy dissipation by a zoo of submesoscale processes at a western boundary. J. Geophys. Res., 2020.
  12. Technicalities: Exploring the Labrador Sea with autonomous vehicles. The Journal of Ocean Technology, 2020.
  13. Breaking of internal waves and turbulent dissipation in an anticyclonic mode water eddy. J. Phys. Ocean., 2020.
  14. Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and associated heat transport. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2020.
  15. Detectability of an AMOC decline in current and projected climate changes. Geophys. Res. Lett., 2020.
  16. Pending recovery in the strength of the meridional overturning circulation at 26°N. Oc. Sci., 2020.
  17. Phased response of the subpolar Southern Ocean to changes in circumpolar winds. Geophys. Res. Lett., 2019.
  18. Model derived uncertainties in deep ocean temperature trends between 1990--2010. J. Geophys. Res., 2019.
  19. Using GRACE and in situ bottom pressure recorders to evaluate external transports at 26°N. J. Geophys. Res., 2019.
  20. Loop Current variability as trigger of coherent Gulf Stream transport anomalies. J. Phys. Ocean., 2019.
  21. OceanObs19: OceanGliders: a component of the integrated GOOS. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2019.
  22. Rapid mixing and exchange of deep-ocean waters in an abyssal boundary current. PNAS, 2019.
  23. Structure and variability of the Antilles Current at 26.5°N. J. Geophys. Res., 2019.
  24. Coherent modulation of the sea-level annual cycle in the United States by Atlantic Rossby waves. Nature Comm., 2018.
  25. Annual cycle of turbulence estimated from Seagliders. Geophys. Res. Lett., 2018.
  26. Variability of the Ross Gyre, Southern Ocean: drivers and responses revealed by satellite altimetry. Geophys. Res. Lett., 2018.
  27. The North Atlantic Ocean is in a state of reduced overturning. Geophys. Res. Lett., 2018.
  28. Coherent circulation changes in the Deep North Atlantic from 16°N and 26°N transport arrays. J. Geophys. Res., 2018.
  29. The Accuracy of Estimates of the Overturning Circulation from Basin Wide Mooring Arrays. Prog. Oceangr., 2018.
  30. Emerging negative Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation index in spite of warm subtropics. Scientific Reports, 2017.
  31. Observed basin-scale response of the North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation to wind stress forcing. J. Clim, 2017.
  32. Greenland Melt and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Oceanogr., 2016.
  33. Drivers of exceptionally cold North Atlantic Ocean temperatures and their link to the 2015 European heat wave. Env. Res. Lett., 2016.
  34. Major Variations in Sub-Tropical North Atlantic Heat Transport at Short (5 day) Timescales and their Causes. J. Geophys. Res., 2016.
  35. Compensation between meridional flow components of the Atlantic MOC at 26°N. Oc. Sci., 2016.
  36. Generation of Internal Waves by Eddies Impinging on the Western Boundary of the North Atlantic. J. Phys. Ocean., 2016.
  37. Estimating Oceanic Primary Production Using Vertical Irradiance and Chlorophyll Profiles from Ocean Gliders in the North Atlantic. Environmental Science Technology, 2015.
  38. Measuring the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at 26°N. Prog. Oceangr., 2015.
  39. Sustaining observations of an unsteady ocean circulation. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc., 2014.
  40. Vertical structure of eddies and Rossby waves and their effect on the Atlantic MOC at 26.5°N. J. Geophys. Res., 2014.
  41. A new index for the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. J. Clim, 2014.
  42. Seasonal to interannual variability in density around the Canary Islands and their influence on the AMOC at 26°N. J. Geophys. Res., 2014.
  43. The observed North Atlantic MOC, its meridional coherence and ocean bottom pressure. J. Phys. Ocean., 2014.
  44. Horizontal stratification during Deep convection in the Labrader Sea. J. Phys. Ocean., 2014.
  45. Observed decline of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation 2004 to 2012. Oc. Sci., 2014.
  46. Atlantic MOC slowdown cooled the subtropical ocean. Geophys. Res. Lett., 2013.
  47. Atmosphere drives observed interannual variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at 26.5N. Geophys. Res. Lett., 2013.
  48. Observed and simulated variability of the AMOC at 26°N and 41°N. Geophys. Res. Lett., 2013.
  49. Eddy impacts on the Florida Current. Geophys. Res. Lett., 2013.
  50. Observed Interannual Variability of the Atlantic MOC at 26.5°N. Geophys. Res. Lett., 2012.
  51. Determining Vertical Velocities from Seaglider. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 2011.
  52. Variability of Antarctic Bottom Water at 24.5°N in the Atlantic. J. Geophys. Res., 2011.
  53. Monitoring the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Deep Sea Res. II, 2011.


  1. New technological frontiers in ocean mixing. Ocean Mixing: Drivers, Mechanisms and Impacts, 2022.
  2. Topographic Eddies. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, 2019.


  1. Equity at sea: Gender and inclusivity in UK sea-going science. Ocean Challenge, 2020.
  2. The Pattullo Conference: Building Community Through mentoring. Oceanography, 2009.


  1. Fast response of deep ocean circulation to mid-latitude winds in the Atlantic. Geophys. Res. Lett. (rejected), 2018.
  2. Bispectra of Internal Tides and Parametric Subharmonic Instability. ArXiv, 2014.
  3. Convection in a Fluid Loop. Proceedings of the WHOI Geophysical Fluid Dynamics program, 2004.