The Experimental Oceanography group aims to advance our understanding of ocean dynamics and circulation in a changing climate. We are a seagoing group, specialising in physical oceanographic measurements and using approaches that leverage traditional observations with new platforms and satellite data. Using a range of observational platforms enables us to address problems spanning scales (from micro- to large-scale), and spanning spheres (from the ocean to biogeosphere, cryosphere and atmosphere). We are driven by scientific curiosity, and motivated by problems with the potential to address societal needs.
Mechanisms responsible for Mesoscale Eddy Energy Dissipation (MerMEED) - understanding the local drivers of mesoscale eddy dissipation at the western boundary of the Atlantic.
Dynamics of the Orkney Passage Outflow (DynOPO) - understanding drivers of outflow from the Weddell Sea to the wider Southern Ocean.
For other past projects by the PI, see EFW’s CV.