The Experimental Oceanography group is hiring a seagoing technician at the University Hamburg (deadline to apply: 4 April 2025). Please contact Eleanor with any questions or to discuss.
To apply, please see the advert on the University webpage:
The AEI-DFG DS-MIXSED project (Denmark Strait - Mixing and Sediment Dynamics) will be starting in 2025 with collaborators David Amblas, Anna Sanchez, Wilken-Jon von Appen and Lola Perez Hernandez. This is a 3-year project to study mixing in the Denmark Strait overflow waters downstream of Denmark Strait, and the influence of currents on seabed morphology (and vice versa). More information will be forthcoming in the new year.
Today, we kick off the AMOC workshop on ‘Meeting AMOC observation needs in a changing climate’. The workshop is co-sponsored by WCRP CLIVAR (by the CLIVAR AMOC Task Team, US CLIVAR and the EPOC project, and brings together members of the scientific community to discuss the value of AMOC observing, observational priorities and a roadmap for future AMOC observing.
We held a 2-day in-person meeting at the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton, for the EPOC consortium from 27-28 October.