Southern Ocean

Mixing and transformation in a deep western boundary current: A case study
Water-mass transformation by turbulent mixing is a key part of the deep-ocean overturning, as it drives the upwelling of dense waters …
Mixing and transformation in a deep western boundary current: A case study
Phased response of the subpolar Southern Ocean to changes in circumpolar winds
The response of the subpolar Southern Ocean (sSO) to wind forcing is assessed using satellite radar altimetry. sSO sea level exhibits a …
Phased response of the subpolar Southern Ocean to changes in circumpolar winds
Rapid mixing and exchange of deep-ocean waters in an abyssal boundary current
The overturning circulation of the global ocean is regulated by deep-ocean mixing, which transforms cold waters sinking at high …
Rapid mixing and exchange of deep-ocean waters in an abyssal boundary current
Variability of the Ross Gyre, Southern Ocean: drivers and responses revealed by satellite altimetry
The Ross Gyre is one of the main current systems of the Southern Ocean and conveys heat toward the cold continental shelves of the …
Variability of the Ross Gyre, Southern Ocean: drivers and responses revealed by satellite altimetry