
The Accuracy of Estimates of the Overturning Circulation from Basin Wide Mooring Arrays
Previous modeling and observational studies have established that it is possible to accurately monitor the Atlantic Meridional …
Drivers of exceptionally cold North Atlantic Ocean temperatures and their link to the 2015 European heat wave
The North Atlantic and Europe experienced two extreme climate events in 2015: exceptionally cold ocean surface temperatures and a …
Major Variations in Sub-Tropical North Atlantic Heat Transport at Short (5 day) Timescales and their Causes
Variability in the North Atlantic ocean heat transport at 26.5°N on short (5 day) timescales is identified and contrasted with …
Compensation between meridional flow components of the Atlantic MOC at 26°N
From ten years of observations of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC) at 26° N (2004–2014), we revisit the question …
Measuring the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at 26°N
Methodology and error analysis for the RAPID 26°N estimates of the AMOC transport.